Friday, March 13, 2015

March 10th


Fire feeding on fire.
Everyone understands that burning wood produces fire. But when fire feeds on fire, that is a rare condition that yields the greatest illumination. Two flames come together and yield light more magnificent than either could have given forth alone.In the case of community activity, this means that when one cooperates with others, the accomplishments are greater than what the individuals can do on their own. Such a situation requires a harmony that will generate ideas, inspiration, as well as momentum for growth and action. If the combinations occur properly, the results will be like fire upon fire and will illuminate the world. Sometimes, the combination comes down to just two people. If two people join forces, neither sacrificing their individuality, but only lending their power to an endeavor, there will be a wonderful situation that will both benefit others and encourage greater growth in the two people as well.
Fire feeding on fire can also mean the swift exhaustion of all energies involved. One must be careful not to lose one's own personality in any joining. The idea is integration, not assimilation. No matter what can be achieved in joining with others, it is wise to remember that we each walk this path independently. The ultimate truth of the journey and its final rewards are still for each of us to face alone.

Personal Intepretation

We can often accomplish more when we join forces with others. In such situations, we become like a fierce flame joining another to become a larger conflagration. It is important that we maintain our individuality in such a joining. We enter this world alone, face life's most difficult decisions alone, and ultimately, leave this world  in solitude. We cannot allow ourselves to lose what we are, to become beaten down by the superiority of other forces that would rather control us than join us. Such relationships deplete our strength and ultimately, make it more difficult for us to withstand the trials of this world.

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