Traveling one thousand miles,
The gods are still in place.
The body is the temple of the gods. It should be kept clean and pure, so that the holiest of events can take place. Sacred, it should be kept undefiled. Consecrated, its interior is where the deepest questions are explored.In olden times, the devout carried tabernacles so that they could keep up their devotions when far from their homes. Their gods were inside these boxes, protected and treasured. Followers of Tao believe that the gods are within themselves. Therefore, wherever they go, they carry the gods within them.
During their travels, when they come to a resting place, they open not a receptacle but themselves. They carry their sense of "place" within themselves. Even while sojourning, they remain oriented to their inner sacredness. Perhaps they can even make breakthroughs more quickly, for the preoccupations of the mind are no longer present to interfere with the flow of the divine. Once people connect to their inner strength, there is no end to the wonders of travel.
Personal Interpretation
We carry the divine within ourselves. Thus, there is no need to visit temples and other holy places. There is no need to make a pilgrimage to worship some remote deity. The act of travel though, presents us with other points of view, broadens our perspective, increases our knowledge of the world of which we are a part. The divine within us will strengthen us, prepare us to receive the wisdom that the act of traveling can impart. We were meant to be mobile, not to rest in one place. When we let the truth of Tao take root in our lives, we will never be rootless, for we carry the wonder of the divine around with us wherever we go.
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