Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 15th


Pattern and creativity
Are the two poles of action.
It is wise to plan each day. By setting goals for oneself and organizing activities to be accomplished, one can be sure that each day will be full and never wasted.Followers of Tao use patterns when planning. They observe the ways of nature, perceive the invisible lines of destiny. They imagine a pattern for their entire lives, and in this way, they ensure overall success. Each day, they match interim patterns against their master goals, and so navigate life with sureness and grace. It is precisely this ability to discern and manipulate patterns unknown to the ordinary person that makes the follower of Tao so formidable.
When unpredictable things happen, those who follow Tao are also skilled at improvisation. If circumstances deny them, they change immediately. To avoid confusion, they still discern the patterns of the situation and create new ones, much like a chess player at the board. The spontaneous creation of new patterns is their ultimate art.

Personal Interpretation 

It is important to organize our lives. We must create goals that can be achieved, and we must take steps toward realization of those goals. As we do so, we should be aware of our changing environments, the patterns that impact us. By recognizing natural patterns, we can learn to manipulate them. Circumstances will not always permit us to proceed as we would wish. Followers of Tao are adept at improvisation. It is a skill that is often called for in a world where the only constant is change. As we must operate within the aforementioned patterns, we also have the capacity to create patterns of our own. When we enlighten ourselves about the game we are playing, we can become better at it with time, can eventually gain the advantage, can move forward toward the acquisition of the things we desire.

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