Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August 31st


I still talk in my sleep.
I still dream.
How can there be perfect stillness
When my brain's so noisy?

We carry on a constant dialogue within ourselves. This is the origin of our problems. The very word 'dialogue' means talking between two sides. We could not have an inner dialogue unless there was a split in our minds. We all have two sides; as long as they are not united, we cannot attain the wholeness that spirituality requires.
Even with years of self-cultivation, it is not easy to tame the wild mind. One might appear to have attained perfect control in all waking situations, only to find endless turbulence during meditation and sleep. This is a sign of incomplete attainment. Perfection must be total.
The process of perfection is long and must be methodical. Although our efforts must be to the utmost, we must never risk repressing ourselves. Indeed, rather than shutting away the unpleasant or unruly aspects of ourselves, we must take them all out and examine them. Daily introspection brings harmony to all our facets. Those aspects that are bad can be dissolved. Those that are of advantage can be cultivated. This effort will take many years, but in this gradual way, we resolve ourselves with our subconscious mind and free ourselves from the struggle and conflict.

Personal Interpretation

The inner dialogue that we have with ourselves is an indication that our mind is not whole. A divided mind is unenlightened. We must work to quiet ourselves before we can truly be complete and free of conflict. The process takes years and even those who seem to exercise self-control in every conceivable situation may experience inner turmoil when meditating. Let us reflect on ourselves each and every day. It is within our power to discard that which does no service to us and cultivate that which has the potential to ease the spiritual journey we must all undertake.

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