Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28th


Age is covered with cosmetics,
Gray hidden with dye,
Confidence is sought in men,
Awareness deferred for the future.
She toils on her job,
Enduring tension and fatigue,
Subsisting on tranquilizers,
Pinning futile hopes on her children.
Many people allow themselves to be trapped into a miserable life. When we see this, we might think "How tragic," but in actuality, they did it to themselves. We should all know how our lives are going, for we need only track the decisions that confront us every day.There are people who think that it does not matter what they do. Or they shrug that they are victims of circumstance. That does not justify an unhappy life. Illness, stress, divorce, maladjusted children, and fear of death trap us.
Those who follow Tao do not want to end up in this way. They want to be free. They do not want to be victims. Therefore, although it is a difficult path, they constantly seek to expand the parameters of their lives. They do not suffer to be exploited or enslaved, and they will eschew what is considered "normal" in order to be happy.

Personal Interpretation

It is essential that we strive to expand the parameters of our lives, particularly when we begin to feel trapped. We do not need to repeat the same unhappy routine day in and day out. There are small ways in which we can improve our lives. Happiness is a choice that we make for ourselves. Those who follow Tao eschew what is normal for the sake of happiness.  We can't allow ourselves to do what others do without reflecting on whether or not it is the right path for us. We must be true to ourselves, must place value on the things that truly matter, must sustain ourselves with hope each and every moment of our lives. We must be free. This is the highest mandate of the spirit.

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