Nocturnal downpour
Wakes the lovers,
Floods the valley.
Making love is natural. Why be ashamed of it?That seems simple, but it is actually a great challenge in these complex times. Too many other layers of meaning have been imposed upon sex. Religions straitjacket it, ascetics deny it, romantics glorify it, intellectuals theorize about it, obsessives pervert it. These actions have nothing to do with lovemaking. They come from fanaticism and compulsive behavior. Can we actually master the challenge of having lovemaking be open and healthy?
Sex should not be used as leverage, manipulation, selfishness, or abuse. It should not be a ground for our personal compulsions and delusions.
Sexuality is an honest reflection of our innermost personalities, and we should ensure that its expression is healthy. Making love is something mysterious, sacred, and often the most profound interaction between people. Whether what is created is a relationship or pregnancy, the legacy of both partners will be inherent in their creation. What we put into love determines what we get out of it.
Personal Interpretation
Sex is a natural expression of ourselves, a beautiful and special act with the right partner.We should work to keep it meaningful and pure. It should not be the grounds for obsession. It should not be perverted or used a form of manipulation. The text states that we get out of love what we put into it. While there is great truth in these words, it is crucial that we do not confuse love with a particular relationship. We should get out what we put into a relationship, but it does not always work this way. We should consider what we can and cannot endure. If our needs are not being met and our energies seem wasted, it may be time to move on. There is no shame in this.